
[School Admissions] College prepare / 11th Grade

작성자 eliteacademy
등록일 07-17-2024 13:40
조회 688회


- Continue to perform well in school, and maintain an upward grade trend. If you have hard time, consider academic help and support. Junior year grade is the most important and critical.

Standardized Test.

 - Plan to take test 2-3 times. You can start Fall or Spring to ensure 2-3 times test taking.

 - Register for test. Make sure you have at least 2-3 months to prepare yourself for the test. Please click here for register!

 - Start your test plan and preparation by taking a full length mock test.

 - At Elite Academy, we use mock test analyze strength and weakness of students to ensure students meet their goal.

College Admission

 - Start researching possible college by looking at school's online site, and social media.

 - Visit universities that are closed to home to experience varies options.

 - Use the best of Elite NEW SAT throughout the summer to study New SAT with a goal of taking SAT for Fall.

 * Register Now for Elite SAT Program Now.*